As much as we hate to plan for the worst, there are certain things we can’t avoid, like growing old.
Some people age beautifully, while others may require more hands-on assistance to get some basic things done as they age. It is a great idea to have a plan for your loved one in the event of sudden occurrences, such as medical emergencies. In such times of crisis, you may be forced to make quick, pressured decisions regarding your loved one’s well-being. How can you find an assisted living facility in such times?
Find out the type of care the senior needs
Before you begin your search for an assisted living facility for a senior, you should first find out exactly the kind of care required. Speak to the senior’s doctor or physician to know what services are required to find an assisted facility that offers the required services.
Draw up a budget
Covering assisted living costs can be burdensome if proper plans are not made. Draw up a budget to know how much is available to cover the monthly cost. Your budget should guide your choice of an assisted living facility. You can consider long-term care insurance, pension, or any other financial benefits to cover the cost of the assisted living facility.
Pay physical visits to your top choices
Don't be sold by only what you see online. Instead, pay physical visits to the facilities to get a better feel of their services and help you choose the best place for your loved one. Ensure you ask questions vital to the senior's well-being and only settle for the one with the most satisfying answers.
Opt for a short-term respite stay
You don't have to make a final decision immediately. You can opt for a temporary respite stay that can last weeks or even months to give the senior a feel of the facility. This helps you make a more informed decision about the facility.
Review the contract
If you're satisfied with the respite stay's results, you can review the contract with the facility. It is advisable to get legal advice while reviewing the contract to ensure that it is in the best interest of your loved one before signing.
Choose a senior placement service
When there’s a crisis, you will be under pressure to find the right assisted living facilities for your loved one. Online searches and referrals are good. However, you can consult a local senior care placement service to help you find suitable facilities for faster results. This way, you’re guaranteed to find the best facilities without hassle.
The right senior placement service can help you narrow down your options based on criteria like location, medical condition and budget, in a bid to find the best fit for your loved ones.
How can Welcome Home Senior Placement Services help?
Rather than spend hours researching facilities and worrying whether they’re precisely what your loved ones need, you can contact us at Welcome Home Senior Services and Placements. We’ll discuss your loved one’s health, social, and financial needs and help you choose a facility they can thrive in. Get started with a FREE consultation today.